Timeline of the ORL planning guidance 2021 – 2022

December 2021 – the Local Planning Authority set up a community steering group for preparation of a supplementary planning document to guide the masterplan for the whole ORL area.

May 2022 – the Local Planning Authority produce a draft SPD for Executive approval.

July 2022 – A four-week public consultation on the draft SPD.

25 October 2022 – The revised SPD is presented to East Herts Council Executive for approval. Following representations by Friends of Water Lane Hall, new text from the ‘Council as landowner’ about what an arts centre might offer, is drastically reduced at the Executive meeting.

9 November 2022 – Cityheart stage a half-day public exhibition announcing their imminent outline planning application, after failing to reconvene the community steering group or notifying District councillors.

16 November 2022 – Full Council adopt the SPD.

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